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This Stuff Doesn't Last
12/04/2013 12:06Do you agree that most things in life are fleeting? The one exception is love. Love lasts absolutely forever.
Over the years, I have experienced a myriad of responses to my enthusiastic attitude & way of life. There have been questions of: “how do you remain positive throughout life?” And there have been statements from others of “I could never look at life that way.” Let me share with you as well, that there have also been surprised looks, as well as statements like, “I don’t believe it that motivation stuff because it never lasts.”
When the odd person here & there makes the pessimistic statement that they don’t believe in motivation, I hope in my heart that they find what they need when the time is right to live the life that they were meant to fully live. I hope that they find the answers that bring meaning to their lives. Each person makes different choices physically, cerebrally & behaviorally. It is not my intention or right to judge what will work for others. We each get to make our own choices thank goodness. During one conversation with a fellow many years ago, the chap phrased his dislike of all things motivational in an offensive way & as a bit of a personal attack on me for enjoying inspirational quotes & photos. I went ahead & smiled & said, “okay, I hear you, but you better stand well back then because this stuff is contagious.” This chap challenged me often with the “motivation stuff” over the course of a year. Finally, one day, I received the surprise of my life when this gentleman said to me, “my wife tells me that I have had a better attitude over the last several months & I told her that I must have caught something.” Then he laughed & that was the day that I smiled big time for this fellow. He had chosen a positive attitude for himself.
It was Zig Zigglar that coined the phrase, “motivation does not last yet neither does a shower & that is why we need it daily.” Few things of this world last so why would we expect to be inspired briefly & then become doubters in the power of positive influences for our mind because we need to put these back into our minds the next day. We brush our teeth everyday & don’t grumble in doing this. Is our mind of any less value?
We get to choose not only daily but moment by moment what we are going to feed our minds. If we know that we are going to be in the company of others that are of more of a pessimistic persuasion, then we may want to be super prepared. I think of these encounters like that of building a sandwich. We are going to put one level of positive food for our minds on the outside, then the middle may be the negative encounter & then following that, we have a plan in place to rebuild our positive attitudes again. People make their own choices. Sometimes, we receive feedback from others that they have decided to “catch” a positive attitude. Those are fabulous occasions! We don’t rely on that though. We are exactly, beautifully ourselves, steadfast & unbreakable in our spirits. We choose to hold tightly onto what feeds our minds in a healthy way. We don’t feed our minds hydrogenated fats so to speak. We feed our minds the finest menu of goodness & truth. We don’t let anyone else “order” for us in other words. Do you let the person at the next table to you order the food that you are about to eat at a restaurant? If you & I agree that sounds absurd, then let’s think of our thoughts in the same way.
My experience with type 1 diabetes has taught me that most things in my life are magnified. I have always been a huge advocate of positive attitude or feeding my mind spiritually enriched “foods.” Before diabetes, I was enthusiastic & enjoyed all things inspirational. Now, I appreciate these things even more.
So, yes, let’s go ahead & realize that most things are fleeting yet there are some things worth repeating daily…shower, brush teeth &feeding our mind inspiration for the day.
My heart’s hope is that you enjoy the buffet of mind & spirit building foods just right for you. Order for yourself at your own table!
Smiles, Saundie :)
Have a sensational weekend & Monday's sharing is entitled, "Orange Corduroy, Blue Leisure or Bobby Vinton?" :)