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The Extra Mile, Crocodile!
28/06/2013 15:41Have you noticed that the words ending in “ism” often are ones that we want to steer clear of? Let’s list a few examples: materialism, minimalism, egotism, hedonism, individualism (ego-driven) & relativism. There are many more “ism” words yet let’s focus on just a few for a moment. About a year ago, I was reading a book by a favourite author, M. Kelly that spoke specifically about: minimalism, individualism & hedonism & how these ism’s have influenced society in less than positive ways. For sure, it is awesome to be a beautiful original & not a copy of someone else. To be an individual is to serve a purpose that no one else can. When M. Kelly refers to individualism, he is talking more about the pitfall of the “what’s in it for me” mentality. Some folks may not say these exact words yet the actions declare this almost as if a bubble caption was above their heads in neon colours. What if we realized that most of us have more than we will ever truly need & think in terms of abundance instead of scarcity. How would that affect the world around us? It is a neat picture to imagine. We can choose to take our thoughts away from “what’s in it for me” to instead, “it is not about me” M. Kelly tells us. Mr. Kelly describes the prevalence of hedonism permeating society as one of the motto being, “if it feels good, do it.” Ironically, M. Kelly concludes that that motto often results in a sort of self-imprisonment. It is kind of like addiction thinking. It is pursuing what feels good & getting a taste of that. It does not last, so back we may choose to go again to get another “fix” of feeling good. Feeling good in & of itself is not a bad thing obviously. It is in the putting it at the centre as a stand alone philosophy that seems to set some folks in a never ending pursuit of pleasure seeking a little like a hamster on a wheel. Mr. Kelly suggests instead that we focus in on making choices basically in the realm of doing the next right thing. He had trade-marked this as “becoming the best version of yourself.” Okay, how about minimalism? Yikes, M. Kelly tells us that this is in essence asking the question of “what is the least that I can get away with doing.”
How does a person feel when they ask the 3 questions: “what’s in it for me?”, “if it feels good, then why not do it?” & “what’s the least that I can get away with doing?” We each get to answer that question for ourselves. My answer is I would feel pretty lousy basing my life on those attitudes personally.
What is the antidote to that type of thinking & behaving in society? My belief is that one answer just may be in noticing, appreciating & emulating everyday heroes out there that are doing the opposite of those 3 things in their lives. Thankfully, I could come up with a myriad of examples of behaviours that Dear Hearts have entered into that carry the antidote. This week, as an example, there are a couple of times when others have gone ahead & helped out without even being asked to. That would be the definition of going the extra mile, crocodile! This year, our family registered for our local JDRF chapter walk to get ready for the June Walk & I made a mistake & registered us as individuals instead of as a team. I am not a technical wizard by any standard that’s for sure (smiles). The gal that organizes the walk is sure to have a very full schedule so I did not want to trouble her in correcting my mistake so our team decided to work around my technical “wizardry.” Today, the organizer of the walk noticed my error & corrected it on her own initiative. I just think that’s the bee’s knees! Another example of going the extra mile crocodile was during a recent endocrinologist appointment. The respect & positive working relationship that I have with my endo is of great value to me. She has always treated me like I am the “quarterback” & in a profoundly mature & respectful way. I love that! That makes a difference. Recently, when I attended my appointment with my endo., she had all of the usual data all ready to communicate to me. Additionally though, she had information regarding vitamin deficiencies that I had apparently been unaware of. She advised me of how these deficiencies would have been impacting my day in day out energy levels. It had not occurred to me that anything other than being a mom to 3 boys & having diabetes would lead to depleted energy levels. That something as basic as a vitamin deficiency could be the culprit came as a surprise. What a relief. We then had a game plan to replenish the vitamins. I know it will take some time to rebuild the vitamin stores within my cells, yet I feel so appreciative that my doctor tested for these additional factors & spent the time going over a plan of action with me. I consider this as going way above & beyond.
My heart’s hope for you is that you encounter countless examples of others going the extra mile crocodile. And may you too be “the crocodile!”
Smiles, Saundie :)
Happy Long Weekend Fellow Canadians & Happy 4th of July American Friends & Happy Weekend to Friends around the world. May all the crocodiles going the extra mile be smiling, friendly ones to each & every one :) Monday's sharing is "Endorph What?" :)
Wee reminder that during the summer months, new blog sharings (beginning July 1st ) will be once a week on Mondays, smiles, Saundie :)