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Stirring In The Love
19/11/2012 06:2319/11/2012 06:23
Most of us have had the discussion about the over-stimulation of one’s mind these days. With a background in sociology, I find topics like the speed of life today & the corresponding impact that it has on each person or upon society as a whole fascinating.
For sure, there are some areas of each life that are more influenced by the need to go at a high speed. It reminds me a little of drivers on the 400 series highways. The maximum speed posted is 100 yet if one did go at 100kms/hour, how do you suppose that would be received by other drivers? That is why I find that when it comes to the areas of life that I have greater choices over like home life, the speed posted is as often as possible a gentler speed.
Each of us tend to either happen upon or more actively choose a role model to emulate. It could be someone who outwardly appears to be successful & super busy. Could it be that society has placed more of a value on folks who declare jam packed schedules? It reminds me of a comedy that I was enjoying several months ago. The comedians were doing a sketch & the super busy fellow in the clip was telling his assistant to "get someone on the phone & get me someone while I am waiting." That is an extreme example yet I find that often comedy brings some of the things going on in society into perspective. Perhaps, it is a person who is admired for achievements within the community. There are a great number of people that I consider heroes & the example that they set is priceless. Each every day hero that I admire most are very different just as they should be yet they share 2 things in common: none of them say they are busy even though their schedules are well filled (not full), and they carry with them an incredible aura of peace.
What got me thinking about all of this? Soup! (Chicken soup to be more specific). My whole family has been hit with this cold that is going around. That is where the soup comes in. I love to make homemade chicken soup for these instances. It feels very comforting to make this for my Dear Hearts. This soup takes time…at least simmering for a day or a day & a half. Over the years, several people have been to our home while the soup is simmering & have said, “why don’t you just buy some soup from the store because it is faster?” My reply is always the same. I say with a smile, “ when I make the soup, there is lots of time to stir in extra love.”
There are two lessons that my soup stirring teaches me each time about
May each of your days be filled with “soup”. Smiles, Saundie J